Thursday, December 13, 2012

Seth + Beth Part 2: High School Heartbreakers

this is part two of the Love Series (or our love story) 

Part 2:

We began talking again and our friendship (and love) started brewing during a school trip to Washington D.C. Our Friend, Liz, played the perfect little matchmaker. She would listen to all the reasons we liked each other and then she would tell both of us all of the details. It was cute and soon after we got home we decided to officially "go out" again.

We wrote a lot of letters on the bus but I especially like this part where we were conversing about RK (the band Relient K)

I don't remember a whole lot about those few months. But I know that I had finally gotten my license and for a few months I would drive us on a few small dates and then Seth started driving an old, rusty, blue van that was fun to ride around in. We sat with each other at lunch and sometimes he would come over to my house after school. After a few months, he called me up and called it quits. I have a journal entry from that day and apparently it was the smoothest break up in relationship history!

Soon after we broke up, a guy from church started to get interested in me and my heart got distracted in everything football, country music, and things that farm boys do. That relationship lasted for around a year.

Sometime after that time, Seth showed up on my doorstep after school, handed me a note wrapped around a cassette tape and left without saying a word. This was the first song that he wrote for me and first time that he shared with me that he still had feelings for me. 

Throughout that year Seth and I basically communicated through letters. They weren't necessarily love letters, but they were definitely emotional. At times we were angry at each other, other times sad, and some times we just wrote about God was doing in our lives and how he was challenging us. 

Valentines Day rolled around and I still remember the day that I walked out to my car at school and saw that cd with candy on my windshield. I drove around for a few hours that day listening to that 5 track CD of songs that Seth had written for me. To this day it was one of my favorite things that Seth has ever given to me (we also still sing these songs all the time haha).

(the actual card and cd cover that was on my car on Valentines Day)

By early spring, we both tried out for the school play and found ourselves hanging around each other more. But it was just fun to hang out with our friends and just build up that face to face friendship with Seth again after mostly writing letters for so long. 

I usually say that we started dating on March 18, 2005 because that was the day of the school performance and I clearly remember him holding my hand that day. 

I was a senior at that time and I was so confused with where I was going to go to college. I didn't want to start dating Seth if he wasn't willing to try and make it work while I was away at college. I had applied and gotten accepted to 9 colleges (haha I realize that is crazy) and knew that I wanted to go to Taylor University. Thankfully it was only 2 hours away from home and he was pretty set on making this work. 

We enjoyed prom, graduation, and summer before he sent me off. It was so hard and scary going to a new place and knowing no one. He was very nervous that I would find some cute, Christian guy at college and never be seen again. 

a box of letters, poems, and songs from Seth 

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